Life Force energy (known as “Kundalini”) is a natural, divine and healing energy that resides in each of us.

Through its activation and elevation, this Force leads us to a deep connection with our pure essence, revealing harmony within ourselves.

The divine energy in our body is our true potential, unmanifested until now. It awakens through the energy channels (nadis) and the entire frequency field of our body, readjusting and realigning our energy centers and all our biological systems.

This particular ascending path makes this energy activation holistically powerful since each center of our body is linked to aspects of our experience, inner and outer.

Thus, our activated Life Force restores order and coherence in our conscious and unconscious dimensions, from the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual, purifying and harmonizing each space of our being for the align with our true Self, our infinite truth.

This powerful process affects the quality of our thoughts, emotions, reactions, and expands our consciousness to higher levels of its divine expression.

Our divine energy then flows freely in our system, it takes place instantly in daily life and creates a whole new experience of Life for us, a new way of feeling, a new way of existing even within ourselves and with the world, an unparalleled feeling of WHOLENESS and CONNECTION, allowing us to magnetize a powerful, aligned and unlimited reality.

Once awakened in us, this energy cleanses everything in its path, liberating what needs to be released and bringing Beauty and Harmony to all facets of our being/life.

Life Force Energy is our direct connection to Grace, to the Sacred, to the Source, to the Universe, to Life.

Awakening this ALIVENESS connects us to something greater, activating our intuition and spiritual abilities, but more importantly, it allows us to live our daily lives with ease, joy, abundance, alignment and fulfillment.



HEKA PORTALS LIFE FORCE ACTIVATION & IMPERSONAL DIMENSION is a new and unique transmission that I offer and which unites vital energy (known as Kundalini) with as a foundation the impersonal dimension, this absolute space which goes further than light, frequency and energy, closest to the Source and in which a biological and systemic reconfiguration takes place instantly. This is the future of medicine, and the more time you spend in this deep space, the more the miracle will live within you • more information here.


During an Activation, I open a portal of light, creating a vortex of intensified light frequency, I surrender completely to the divine, just like you, letting the frequency & field guide my movements and sounds. You simply open up and fully welcome the experience.

During a HEKA PORTALS Life Force Activation, you receive several transmissions simultaneously: 

• Pure life force energy
• Light Language
• Coded sound frequencies
• Coded geometric forms
• Impersonal Dimension

These are all vessels of very high cosmic codes for you.

Your entire energy system then comes into resonance with the channeled intensified energy and begins to adapt to its higher frequency.This activation in your system allows the unlocking and purification of your channels and energy centers. Your whole being then naturally harmonizes, your vibration increases and you feel a return to the original harmony of your spiritual essence.

This divine energy is incredibly intelligent and will purify and activate exactly what you need on all levels: physical, energetic, spiritual, mental and emotional.

Each transmission is a initiation powerful which allows an awakening of your life energy in love and softness, without any strength or ego control. It is neither Kundalini Yoga nor Kundalini Breathwork.

It is the path of deep remembrance and reconnection to the Source, allowing your transcendence. 

The energy releases the memories stored in your systems. It leads you to transcendence and brings you into higher states of consciousness. This powerful elevation of your vibration allows you to access a connection to Unity through pure resonance and to access the impersonal dimension.

It is the path of absolute trust, of Faith... the fusion of the infinite with the finite, the path of the great truth of your existence, allowing this total awakening, this new pure, integrated and embodied Consciousness.

Immerse yourself in this magical activation that connects you to a deeper understanding of your Authentic self, dissolving old limitations and opening your being to greater wholeness. This experience is the key to liberating yourself, transforming your vibration & embody your light in all planes.

It is a path of rebirth, love and surrender.

Each Transmission creates magnificent transformations in you and in your life. With repeated exposure to this frequency, you dive deeper and deeper into yourself.

A total reconnection to the abundance that you truly are.

the Benefits of activating your divine energy

⋗ connection to your divine essence, to Source, to the divine
⋗ expansion of your consciousness & your perceptions of reality
⋗ access to the impersonal dimension: non-duality, unity, instantaneity
⋗ activation of your aliveness, your vibrance
⋗ elevation of your vibrational frequency

⋗ letting go & surrender to the beauty of life
⋗ relief of stress and tensions stucked in your body
⋗ regulation & harmonization
of your nervous system
⋗ opening
⋗ t
ranscendence of linear time
⋗ liberation of mental, emotional blockages & end of cycle of trauma
end of karmic cycles
⋗ purification of your energy channels & alignment of your energy centers
activation & global harmonization
⋗ expansion of your capacity to live and welcome / respond to life
deep state of peace, calm, intense happiness, bliss
renewal, rebirth
awakening of your Creator power
awakening of your spiritual powers: gifts, intuition, light language, parallel life memories
⋗ opening of the subtle & angelic worlds
⋗ multi-dimensional presence

opening of your magnetic field: abundance, non-duality, resonance, infinite possibilities
⋗ clarity & life purpose
⋗ state of absolute Unity
⋗ embody your divinity and your mission on Earth
⋗ transformation
⋗ divine alignment as your life, pure Grace
participate in the collective ascension of humanity & Earth
. . .


All you have to do islie down on a floor mat, relax, and completely surrender to the experience.

Surrender, relaxation and setting aside the mind is the most important thing to know about this transmission because there is nothing to "do".

Music will be played and I will open the space with a specific energy frequency and unique field, allowing your own life energy to activate.

You will keep your eyes closed throughout the session. You don't have to do anything but just receive and let the magic happen… without expecting anything.

Your energy can be expressed in several ways through your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies: movements spontaneous to emotional catharsis, liberations, activations, through the vision of lights, colors and other images, messages from the Source, or even deep feelings of happiness, ecstasy, bliss, states not duels of a new depth…

Receiving this transmission consists of allowing everything that arises within you, in this unique moment, to be experienced and expressed, whether subtle or intense.

Whatever the expression of energy, the most important thing is not to analyze it, but to stay in the moment and let be what needs to be.

You are safe and the space created will always give you exactly what you need.

Some consider this transmission as a purifying and liberating experience, or one that gives them deep inspirations and realizations, others feel it as a transcendent experience of their entire existence.

An interesting fact is that all you experience during a transmission is only 10% of the transformation that actually occurs...the most dramatic change that occurs is all the magic that unfolds within you and your life at the following this moment.

It is truly beyond anything words can explain. It's the experience itself de ta divinité.

So, now, I simply invite you to come and experience this magic for yourself and let your essence awaken ♡


I do not need to be physically present for you to receive the transmission. Time and space do not exist in the quantum field of energy, of the entire Universe and all that composes it. So even at a physical distance, you receive the same level of energy intensity.

We are all connected through universal consciousness, the Source of all, in every moment, regardless of distance or time. Everything is one, eternally, infinitely. Up and down. Inside and out.

When I create the Heka Portals transmission space, even from a distance, your whole system resonates with the frequency, as if we were together physically, as close, as connected.

We are spiritual beings composed of energy & matter, experiencing this magnificent path of life & ascension. This energy that animates everything in Creation knows everything. It is absolute wisdom, which guides you towards your highest evolution when you are ready to welcome it and really surrender to it.

This energy is of an inexplicable and infinite intelligence. It is she who crosses time and space to come and activate what is ready to be in you. Whether we are together physically or subtly, she is just waiting for you to open your heart to come and express herself there and create miracles in your whole life.

The more you bathe in this frequency, the more you access deep states, the more you transform your existence and your entire reality.

How do I prepare to receive the online transmission?
  • wear comfortable clothes, take off your watch
  • eats little or not at all 3 hours before the session. An empty stomach is best, but a light snack like fruit is fine.
  • no coffee, alcohol, or use of other substances a few days before
  • you can use an eye mask to help you relax more deeply. Throughout the session, you will keep your eyes closed.
  • plan a good connection wifi
  • download the app Zoom and create an account if you don't have one
  • you will listen to music on Zoom, be prepared to listen to it with good wireless headphones or connect to a speaker to have the best possible sound
  • have a comfortable yoga mat to lie on
  • provide enough light in the room where you are
  • arrive a few minutes early for the zoom and settle into your space
  • Come with an open mind & heart
  • Do not be disturbed and make sure you have privacy.

I can't wait to see you there ♡

Vidéo d’introduction • Français

introduction video • english



After your session, begins the most important part of the process : your integration.

It is good to rest for the rest of the day, take a fresh shower, spend time in nature and observe your condition over the coming days, when the energy can continue to work intensively. Most people will notice changes in the days following a session.

Whether your experience was gentle or deeper, this energy that has been awakened is Sacred, it is your true life essence.

The Activation is only a seed that is planted: it is the movement of elevation of this force within you, vibrating on this intense & powerful energy frequency.

Bathing in that frequency during the transmission is not the end of the experience as this intensified life force works for approximately 2-14 days afterwards, so it is important to allow its work and to witness all that follows after the transmission.

Your energy will therefore continue to vibrate on this high frequency, allowing you to reach deeper levels within yourself, questioning all that is not aligned, in your life, in your relationships, in your mission, in your connection with yourself.

Integration process : making space for your physical body and mind to adapt to the changes and realizations that may have been experienced during the session. Welcoming the healing of the wounded parts of you in order to allow your true identity to fully embody in your life. To integrate properly is to become whole.

This inner work is your most sacred mission. It is guided by this divine energy which is expressed more and more in you and which you opened yourself to feel during the session.

Whatever its expression: movements, visions, discomfort, pain, joy, peace, calm... this very intelligent energy in you will continue its upward journey, allowing you to release all the blockages that were preventing the expression of ease in you. .

So yes, it is a process of ascension, and therefore of releasing the weights & memories limiting your elevation. Your body, your entire system will then experience stages of purification, a deep cleansing of all the dimensions within you, necessary for your evolution.

During these stages of purification, you may experience uncomfortable and confusing states, even painful ones.

This can range from mental confusion, especially related to your new senses which are activated, to your spiritual gifts which are awakened, just like feeling overflows of emotions, old things coming up that can finally be released, or also a feeling of not being grounded in yourself, in this reality, or a feeling of floating, as well as old physical wounds can reappear during the time of their transmutation too.

Energy healing is a lot like a physical detox. However, with this you cleanse and purify the mind, body and soul, so that sometimes you can have detoxification symptoms before the light arrives and everything becomes clear.

All of this is normal.
Everything's ok.
Everything is temporary.
C’est une contraction avant expansion.

You don't have to suffer, even during these stages of liberation.
There are essential keys that you can use to help you move forward on this path with more trust and serenity.

This involves first accepting and then allowing this process, knowing that it is happening for your greatest good.

Sometimes we expect to have an incredible experience on the mat and we are not willing or open to allow the integration process. Energy knows. And you will experience EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE READY TO EXPERIENCE.

During your integration you will also experience moments of divine alignment, magical harmonization, synchronicities and miracles : a divine update.

After an activation, you will therefore begin to operate on higher levels than before, and everything in your life aligns accordingly, things go and things happen.

When we discover a new level of consciousness, we no longer attract the old vibrations, we become more aware of our surroundings, what we absorb and with whom we spend our time. We become more aware of ourselves and what is in our energy field. We may no longer like certain foods, drinks, people, relationships, or old unhealthy habits.

It's as if the light has changed in our cells, and we have literally changed our relationship to light, energy and consciousness. What was not toxic to us becomes now highly toxic, as well as anything toxic on this vibration.

Knowing how to welcome all these gifts with a wide open heart, because you are ready to receive the magic of life, the magic of who you are, this is the true result of your integration, of ascension of your inner divine energy within you, of its deep & so beneficial inner work.

This activation is a life-changing process, it's not just about jumping on the mat for two hours and returning to life as before. There is no going back to old ways of being as you literally begin to change your chemical makeup and your relationship with life. It's such a beautiful process, but it can often feel slightly jarring or isolating at first, soit's very important to surround yourself with like-minded people who are on a similar path or journey to yours. /strong>

To properly integrate is to be aware, listen, understand & be open to learning how the physical body and mind feel after the session and what wisdom is there to empower us to embody the experience.

Know that this process can be repeated and you decide the pace of your journey: there is no right or wrong pace here. If you trust this journey, know that the energy will open other portals and work deeper with time and repetition. Come receive whenever you are drawn and ready to experience it. Let your energy shed the layers of what no longer serves you and experience your profound transformation towards your most divine expression.

Discover my library of tools to help you with your integration: FREE LIBRARY ♡


What is the difference between an online and in-person activation?

The differences between in-person and online activation are very slight. It may be difficult to understand until you experience it, but there is no time or space in the quantum field. You will feel my energy and I will feel your resonance as if we were in the same room. Online streaming can even make you feel safer because you're in a more private & select environment.

What to expect during a Heka Activation?

1. Introduction & Preparation 10min
2. Meditation 5min
3. Energy Activation 55min
4. Integration & Return 5min
5. Sharing circle 20min


All you have to do is lie down on a floor mat, relax, and completely surrender to the experience.

Surrender, relaxation and setting aside the mind is the most important thing to know about this transmission because there is nothing to "do".

Music will be played and I will open the space with a specific energy frequency and unique field, allowing your own life energy to activate.

You will keep your eyes closed throughout the session. You don't have to do anything but just receive and let the magic happen… without expecting anything.

Your energy can be expressed in several ways through your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies: movements spontaneous to emotional catharsis, liberations, activations, through the vision of lights, colors and other images, messages from the Source, or even deep feelings of happiness, ecstasy, bliss, states not duels of a new depth…

Receiving this transmission consists of allowing everything that arises within you, in this unique moment, to be experienced and expressed, whether subtle or intense.

Whatever the expression of energy, the most important thing is not to analyze it, but to stay in the moment and let be what needs to be.

You are safe and the space created will always give you exactly what you need.

Some consider this transmission as a purifying and liberating experience, or one that gives them deep inspirations and realizations, others feel it as a transcendent experience of their entire existence.

An interesting fact is that all you experience during a transmission is only 10% of the transformation that actually occurs...the most dramatic change that occurs is all the magic that unfolds within you and your life at the following this moment.

It is truly beyond anything words can explain. It's the experience itself de ta divinité.

So, now, I simply invite you to come and experience this magic for yourself and let your essence awaken ♡

Is Kundalini dangerous?

Unfortunately, Kundalini sometimes has a reputation for being dangerous. Most people who share these stories are not people who have had a real natural kundalini experience. This energy is very purifying and transformative. It offers the possibility of making deeper and faster changes in your life. So sometimes integration becomes more difficult when big traumas/memories are purified. It is in a very small number of cases that the person will feel a negative effect. This only happens when people work aggressively with the energy, or are not supported by a knowledgeable mentor.

can kundalini heal me?

Here, true healing is Transcendence.

Instead of just healing the physical/emotional symptoms/trauma, etc. (which is bound to happen)

It is about healing the cause, healing the dissonance in human beings which causes all negative and traumatic situations in the first place: transcending the human experience, illuminating our hearts and therefore our world.


Do not consume any drugs, medicinal plants, psychedelics, heavy medications, alcohol or tabas at least 48 hours before and 48 after the session.

Une Kundalini Activation n’est pas adaptée pour :
– les enfants de moins de 18 ans
– les femmes enceintes avant 3 mois et après 6 mois de grossesse
– les personnes souffrant de maladies mentales lourdes

your integration after an activation ♡

It is best to have time off to allow the body to rest and your system to process the experience. You might need more time alone, in a quiet place, as your system might be much more sensitive in the days that follow.


– Allow time and space to rest after
– Listen even more carefully to your body's needs
– Your sensitivity may be heightened in the days that follow, be patient & gentle with yourself
– Use water (drink, shower, bath) to purify & help harmonize your energy
– Read the advices given in your follow-up email & contact me if you need any support

I also recommend finding a community of people initiated into these activations with whom you can share your experiences. Many changes in your life will begin to occur as you continue to experience the purification of this energy and it is essential to have support through this.

You will find even more resources in the RESOURCES link just after ♡

when can i book my next Activation?

I recommend exposing yourself to this frequency several times if you feel drawn to the process. The density of our bodies detaches & is released in layers. So the more you experience it, the more the body will begin to trust and an even deeper liberation will take place.

Each transmission will be different depending on your body and your energy at that moment. The more you receive this process, the more your system trusts, relaxes and surrenders to the magic of who you are, awakening you to whole new levels.

Trust yourself, and follow your body's natural calls to know how much & when, your intuition will always be right ♡

How can I be notified of upcoming online sessions & events?