9 – 13 September 2024


I am deeply honored to invite you to a magical & divine Initiation in Bali, my home at heart, for you to elevate + master your own life force energy as you become a Facilitator of Pure Life Force Activations.

My intention is to transmit you the keys to unlock your own magical gifts, your High Consciousness, your total Aliveness ready to be awaken & integrated, so that you harness the power of your divine substance, for you to live your life in pure connection with Oneness & walk this earth in Grace, guiding others on their empowering journey.


It is a part of my mission here to help you to reach this level of connection, of remembrance of WHO YOU ARE, your TRUE POWER, your DIVINE ESSENCE EMBODIED. And I insist now on EMBODIED, because this is our time to do so : to embody the absolute knowing of all that truly is > eternal peace, unconditionnal love, absolute abundance.

Offering you these INITIATION TRAININGS is for me an act of love, an act of devotional and surrender to the highest guidance speaking through me.
It’s an act of pure service to every soul on earth, to humankind’s ascension, to our beloved planet’s own transformation.

Awakening to your Life Force Facilitator blueprint allows you to open up your heart in a whole new way, expanding your consciousness far beyond what you thought was possible, allowing you to merge with your highest self… This changes your life in the most beautiful ways, aligning your existence with miracles.

The Facilitator Initiation I am guiding here in BALI – INDONESIA, is about you awakening to your true power, remembering your light, practicing your multi-dimensional presence & stepping into this new role of Light Leader, helper & guide for all our brothers & sisters that are ready for this elevated transmission to unlock their own potential.

I am presenting here a NEW WAY of initiating & teaching you the Kundalini Activation Process, a new way that will allow you to not only receive the highest quantum initiation + practice transmitting raw life force energy + embody this frequency + feel confident in your new Facilitator role + and ALSO to INTEGRATE your highest truth, remember + reactivate your soul’s gift, free your Soul & transcend your entire Consciousness, becoming ONE with all, in pure abundance, in service to Light.

The New Way I am bringing keeps EVOLVING, and we are now accessing the Impersonal Dimension, the Sustance beyond the energy, beyond the frequency, the great infinite nothingness, the closest point to Source, where all is and becomes in ONE MOMENT. This allows the transcendent shifts to happen MUCH FASTER than ever.

I call you in, my brothers & sisters.

May you hear the deep calling of your heart.

May we unite together again & celebrate our divine Surrender.

May we all Remember, live Free and Love infinitely.

With love, Sophie Sun


I am so happy to invite you to this special journey in Bali, the magic island of the Gods, that has been my beloved home for the past few years. and where we will dive deep into our golden hearts and souls. This adventure will be life-changing revealing your divine golden essence.

 Let me tell you, Bali is the motherland of the deepest transformations & metamorphosis. When she calls you, it means you are ready to receive her many gifts for your evolution.

She guided me on my highest path, reconnecting with my soul’s purpose & magic and she will welcome you the same way.
This sacred island is such a powerful portal of ascension.
I felt the calling to go there and choose only the highest vibes to welcome our lightwork.

We’re entering the Golden Age, and those leading the way on our new Earth are being called to come together on this sacred ground, the mystical Bali that holds the highest wisdom. If you feel a calling to this, you’re invited to trust and step into a new role, leading the new way of living.

Together we will dive in this initiation & open up the portal to bring Light on Earth, and embody a new timeline filled with divine truth, love, joy, abundance, connection, and a deep rememberance of Oneness.


As an initiate, you will learn how to surrender to the highest Source frequency in order to awaken this vital energy in others and help them experience deep life-changing transformations too, so that we all live an empowered, aligned and fulfilling life.

• you will be initiated online & in person : 90% will be PRACTICE

• you will connect deeply with your own sacred energy allowing a new aliveness in your body, awakening of new senses, magical inner transformation & growth on a personal level

• you will connect higher, tap into the unseen, the nothingness, the Source, elevate your Consciousness, come home to your essence, & integrate deeper to be able to transmit the raw frequency to others

• you will connect with your Divine Soul, the higher realms & beings of light, opening your Heart to Oneness, activating your spiritual gifts & multi-dimensional presence and embodiment / power of action

• you will meet a supportive community & stay connected every month together

• you will be initiated & trained to be a professional Heka Portals • Kundalini Activation Facilitator

This is a true Energy & Substance Initiation. You are being called to REMEMBER, through the energetic experience of your divine essence in your entire being.

Some of the elements you receive and learn in the training are:

• attunement to the life force frequency

• deep personal transformation through your own awakening : purification, healing, activation of the new codes of Consciousness

• embodiement of the frequency

• channeling & transmission of the life force energy for your self-activation and for activating others

• pineal gland activation & non dual transmission 

• open the door to the Field of pure consciousness : experience the Stellar Practice & REBIS Impersonal Dimension Introduction

• activate your Light Language : vocal & forms

• revealing your own unique imprint as a Facilitator

• strengthening of your capacity to surrender

• safe space holding & trauma informed approach + parts work

• walking meditation : quantum creation integrated & embodied

• how to build & hold a powerful session

• deep listening to the Field of divine substance : portal for a non dual transmission

• initiation to Magic Mastery : BE your full divine & supermind power, absolute sovereignty, energy / entity clearing, quantum creation, spiritual gifts, soul elevation

• introduction to Angels & Ascended Masters collaboration : expansion of your divine soul

• expand your capacity to hold the energy : nervous system stabilization, opening the nadis & balancing your energy

• expand your resonance : open your heart, let go of the self, embody the light of your Soul

• expand your Consciousness : upgrade, elevate & reveal your Soul’s purpose & unique blueprint

Disclaimer : our schedule and activations might evolve according to the energy present in each moment, I will listen to the guidance of what is preferred for your highest initiation.


• All Teachings & Transmissions :
Preparation 3 days (attuning & opening)
Initiation 5 days (
exploring, activating & embodying – all practices, theory, experience, tools, playlitst…)
21 days Integration Journey : to integrate gently in your life your new expansion & embody your new frequency with ease
Lifetime monthly follow up : be a part of the worldwide heka facilitators community, 1 free activation / month, extended support on your new path

• 5 days & 4 nights in a beautiful eco-conscious luxury wellness resort with waterfall view overlooking the jungle, in the south of Ubud, Bali, with amazing fine vegan cuisine in a stunning spot (including fresh coconut water, detox water, herbal teas, home made healthy snacks and fruits)

Welcome drink & chocolates + 30 min welcome back & shoulder massage

A community of lightworkers just like you, working together with the same light mission + my eternal support • soul family ♡

• « The Facilitator Book of Light » • 250 pages • This is a very rare book that I wrote exclusively for you, the first book ever about the Kundalini Activation Process & I will gift it to you in person as a paper quality book
all the theory about energetics, quantum, body, nervous system, trauma informed approach, higher realms, cosmic technologies, how to, practicalities, embodiment method, & more…



We meet online for 1 hour each day. You will receive attuning Kundalini Activations Transmissions to start opening the portal of this initiation & to help facilitate the flow of energy in your physical + subtle bodies. Opening and getting ready for the initiation time in person together on Day 4.


Receive the full energy initiation & attunment, during 5 intensive divine days : 8 hours every day with 90% practice + 10% theory designed to deeply embody the energy. We will expand your life-force energy and your Field access, allowing the death of your ego, so you can channel & activate this frequency for yourself and for others. There will be moment of integration but be ready for an intense jourey together.

Afterwards you will have a 21 DAYS INTEGRATION PROGRAM I will give you.


We meet each month for sharing, support & follow up ♡ : practice together, keep receiving the energy through my transmissions I offer, get feedbacks, ask questions, concerns & learn more and more wisdom. We are in this magic together !


We will be welcomed in the incredible eco-conscious luxury wellness resort SOLANA in the south of Ubud jungles.

In the most beautiful setting, we will be completely surrounded by nature, epic view and waterfall, sharing this expansion with amazing souls.

Picture a beautiful river surrounded by lush jungle on the tropical island of Bali. Imagine a natural crystal infused pool filtered by plants, lotus flower ponds, sacred fire space, chakra meditation space, herbs and medicinal plant gardens and a perennial river gently flowing in the forest. This place has been consciously built for you to nourish every aspect of your mind, body, and soul.

The restaurant will cook homemade meals, with food grown locally, in their gardens and on an organic farm in Bedugul. All plantbased, gluten-free, healthy, delicious, and nutritious.

You will have access to gorgeous modern private bedroome & villas, a waterfall view, a light inspiring shala, & more…

4 luxurious spacious SINGLE ROOMS on the cliff with waterfall view. Open bathrooms, huge decks with a bath tub.
• 5 unique, cozy SHARED VILLAS built with rammed earth and bamboo with beautiful big outdoor bathrooms equipped with bath tubs.

This place is a pure high light heaven, a perfect way to connect with the earth and its gifts and we are absolutely blessed to be supported by such purity, such beauty.


Early Bird -10% booking before 19 July

Private Waterfall Room

only 4 available


Shared Villa

with two big twin beds


Terms & Conditions

An initial deposit of €1111 must be paid on the day of booking to secure your spot.
Upon receipt of the deposit, your spot is reserved and you can pay the rest of the payment no later than 60 days before the start date of the training. Payments not received on time will result in loss of reserved dates.

Payment n°1 €1111: the day of booking
Payment n°2 « the rest of the payment » : maximum 60 days before the start of the training

Changes & Cancellations:

For any cancellation made within 60 days of the arrival date, the initial deposit of €1111 is non-refundable.
Last minute reservations made within 60 days require full payment within 48 hours of reservation confirmation and are non-refundable.

What is included
Full Teachings, Transmissions & Initiations, Luxurious Resort + 3 Meals/day

What is not included
Airfare to Bali
Transportation from airport to the resort
Visa upon arrival
Travel Insurance

I recommend being energetically and spiritually prepared for this magical journey ♡

Sponsor a participant ♡

I am looking for those that believe in this important mission and that could be interested in sponsoring this training to enable it to happen for those who don’t have the resources.

Please consider sponsoring a participant to attend or donating to our solidarity fund.

Contact me to discuss the most beneficial win-win scenario in which we can acknowledge you or your organization’s support in alignment with your intentions.

You can reach out here : sophiesunflowpro.contact@gmail.com


14 spots available


BEFORE APPLYING : please consider carefully if you truly feel ready to embark on this journey. This is a very profound spiritual process that demands investment & devotion. This is not another tool to have in your toolbox. This work is truly sacred and will change your life. It should be handled with heart, care & integrity.

1. Please fill out the following form and take the time to write your heart intention letter.
2. I will then invite you to a call with me so we can connect, get to know eachother and feel if this is the right fit & moment to work together ♡
3. I ask that each initiate has received this transmission before at least 5 times, including one time with me online or in-person. You can book a session with me HERE.
4. After these 3 steps I will send you your welcoming package with all the informations about your future initiation including the location & all technicalities for you to prepare best. Together we rise.

Which Facilitator Training are you called to book ?

What kind of room do you prefer ?

How many Kundalini Activations have you received to this day ?

Have you ever worked with energy before for yourself or others?

Are you currently on any kind of medication or psychiatric care?

1 + 11 =


nice to meet you

Hey, I’m Sophie

I have been blessed to receive myself high initiations, to remember my true essence, my soul gifts & awaken to a higher consciousness, seeing my whole life transform in pure magic, abundance, alignement & beautiful grace (beyond my wildest dreams). I have also been honored to transmit this energy & watch others awaken to their own infinite magic.

I chose to dedicate my entire life to raising this frequency on Earth, helping others remember the sacredness of all that is. It is my service, my mission, to open this light portal, here & now, together.

So today I invite you to explore the infinite dimensions of life with me & RISE together. It all starts with You… your awakening, your expansion, your reconnection.

Love, Sophie


Based on the extensive trainings & experiences I have acquired, I am offering a full initiation facilitator training of my own experiences & knowledge. I know it to be extremely complete and profoundly transformative. The teachers who have initiated me in this process have learnt with Venant Wong (KAP) & Pi Villerraza (InnerDance & Venant Wong’s Teacher). Based on my others trainings, learnins & experiences with Impersonal Dimension + Joe Dispenza Advanced Retreats + High Priestess Initiation in Egypt + Consciousness Transmissions, Space Holding + 1:1 & group Kundalini Activations + Hosting Retreats around the world + Facilitating Kundalini Initiation Trainings myself and connecting with my soul gifts and other lifetimes of ancient wisdom, I now invite you into a deep journey of your own soul remembrance & true self mastery during this Facilitator Training. My intention is that you have all the keys to guide + support yourself & every person that will be drawn to your magic on this ascension path together.
