Heka Portals | kundalini activation & stellar dimensions | transmissions • initiations • trainings

Heka Portals came as a powerful guidance I received as a new mission while I was meditating by the Nile in Egypt this year. This creation is a pathway for bringing forward the Highest Light through inter dimensional portals infused by my unique energy imprint & signature.

Heka Portal is deisgned to open your field wider than ever, expanding to the remembrance of who you really are, to the embodiment of the magic I AM being that you are. As we each remember this, we move forward side by side building the golden future together, open & ready.

So why this name Heka Portals | kundalini activation & stellar dimensions ?
It came to me intuitively, and when I look at the ancient egyptian meaning, it all makes sense.

Heka : ĥek’äwεt – it is the power behind the gods, the primordial force present at the beginning of the world’s creation. It is the Magic, the Force, the power of Nature, the power of the divine flowing through all things. Heka is the embodiment of the concept of magic.
Portals : I open portals of light for you to remember and integrate your divinity. Each space is designed to expand your consciousness + transcend your existence into its highest expression • fully embodied. Heka Portals is about you experiencing that You are the Portal, You are the true Magic and you can create anything.

Kundalini Activation : the rising of your divine life force energy is a major step towards embodying your divine presence • these activations are offered regularly online & in person
Stellar : ˈstɛlə/ – outstanding, wonderful, praise to the divine
Dimensions : deep dive into all your subtle unknown parts for you to harness your multi-dimensional power, through all realms at once, here and now

In service of the highest Light frequency, inspired by cosmic technologies and descending from the lineage of Isis, goddess of power & magic, I am honored and bless to invite you beyond the human limitations and into the magic dimension of miracle living

Every one of my transmissions is embedded by the power of pure life force energy, light language codes, elevated cosmic sound + form frequencies & impersonal dimension.. through my presence, my voice, my movements, my geometry. I act in full surrender to the intelligence of Source, for you to receive your initiation.

You can taste this magic in 1:1 + Group Transmissions, as well as the Facilitator Trainings + Initiation Journeys I offer Online, in Bali & in Egypt.

I am a Portal of Light, and so are You.

All initiates of Heka Portals Trainings are also carrying this high frequency in the world and rippling effect the beauty of feeling alive, connected and in alignement with All that is to everyone joining their sessions. If you wish to find a Heka Facilitator in your country, you can check the list below to find them in your city.

Together we rise.

I love You.

List heka world • kundalini facilitators
  • Anja – AUSTRIA
  • Kiren – UK
  • Meven – THAILAND
  • Gwenola – FRANCE
  • Caroline – SINGAPOUR
  • Laura Cunnife – UK
  • Elise Frémy – NEW CALEDONIA
  • Viri – BALI
  • Aurélie – BALI
  • Alissa Sunshine – USA
  • Celina – BALI
  • Ilona Cepelakova – CZECH REPUBLIC & BALI • +420604458159 • @ilonasoulsessions
  • David – BALI
  • Cassis – BALI
  • Emilia – FINLAND
  • Michaela – GERMANY
  • Vera Sakhi – GERMANY
  • Sheila – IBIZA
  • Akacia – UK • whataspp +44 7362409667 • IG @earthwhispers___
  • Priscilla – FRANCE
  • Gabriella – PORTUGAL
  • Thomas Licou – FRANCE
more on the instagram of heka portals ✨

I’m Sophie, I live in Bali and all over the world, and I guide you through direct high frequencies experiences & transmissions.

I am honored to guide you today in expanding your essence and activating your full potential. Seeing you blossom with magic, embracing grace & ease, aligning your blueprint and merging with the most precious parts of your true Self is pure happiness for me.

So thank you for trusting me, for trusting the field, the energy, for listening to the callings & guidance of your heart, and thank you for having the courage to surrender to the magic of who you are.

Here you will find all the spaces in which I welcome you to activate your inner transformations & live in the beauty of your original harmony.
All you have to do is come into full presence, open up, and surrender to the divine.

With all my love,

Beyond Activation by Heka Portals

The spaces I open with each Transmission – online & in person is the fusion between Life Force Activation & Impersonal Dimension.

HEKA PORTALS LIFE FORCE ACTIVATION & IMPERSONAL DIMENSION est une transmission inédite et unique que je propose et qui unit l’énergie vitale (dite Kundalini) avec comme fondation la dimension impersonnelle, cet espace absolu qui va plus loin que la lumière, la fréquence et l’énergie, au plus proche de la Source et dans lequel une reconfiguration biologique et systémique se passe instantanément. C’est le futur de la médecine, et plus tu passera du temps dans cet espace profond, plus le miracle vivra en toi (plus d’informations ici).

I channel, facilitate and teach a direct transmission of intensified vital energy & biological reconfiguration Field, that activates your latent divine Design. It is a spiritual process that awakens the vital energy that exists within each of us.

Once active, this force heals you back into WHOLENESS, by moving you into higher states of consciousness, reconnecting you to your essence and your infinite potential.

Awakening your divine energy & stellar Field connects you to the sacred, to the Source of all Creation, but more importantly, it allows you to live your life with grace, ease, joy, abundance, alignment and expansion.

I offer a powerful initiation to transition to the I AM.

• Experiencing the ALIVENESS of your vital energy awakening inside of your body ••• your senses opening, your vibrancy expanding, your light growing

• Accessing the MYSTICAL worlds of unthinkable magic and experiences of the Subtle

• Going beyond… and giving in to the most profound dimension of your Self ••• becoming NOTHING, to become EVERYTHING

In between the expressive music and the absolute silent depth
In between the vibrant body here and the spacious void everywhere
Your life force energy marrying the absolute Self, connecting you to the divine healer within

• Allowing the fusion of all things in one moment, in One body, One energy, One substance

Entering the Field

Power • Truth • Love


Je suis Sophie, Facilitatrice en transition vers le Soi profond & Créatrice Heka Portals.

Cela fait des années que je voyage consciemment sur mon chemin spirituel et que j’explore cette jolie vie humaine et multidimensionnelle. Depuis quelques années je vis la plus profonde transformation spirituelle de ma vie, intérieure et extérieure, comme une transcendance de mon existence, une reconnexion pure et absolue à l’énergie Source qui nous anime tous.

Et cet éveil puissant, je le dois à l’éveil de mon énergie vitale & l’accès à la dimension impersonnelle de la vie. Cela fait plus de trois ans que je baigne & fusionne avec l’énergie divine et que tout mon être ajuste sa fréquence de plus en plus à l’unité & à l’harmonie. Cela fait partie de moi aujourd’hui, je vis tout depuis cette espace vibrant et vaste. En recevant mes initiations et en m’abandonnant avec révérence à la plus hautre lumière, j’ai vu tout mon être et toute ma vie s’ouvrir à l’abondance, à tous niveaux, et mon monde intérieur baigner dans l’alignement total.

Alors en suivant l’appel clair & profond de mon coeur, de cette énergie puissante en moi, j’ai choisi de dédier ma vie à transmettre à mon tour cette magie, cette fréquence sacrée qui change tout. C’est mon service, ma mission de participer à l’élévation de la fréquence sur Terre en ouvrant ce portail interdimensionnel.

Alors aujourd’hui je vous invite à explorer les infinies dimensions ensemble à travers les Life Force Activation & Impersonal Dimensions en ligne, en personne & les Retraites & les Trainings partout dans le Monde. 

Mon plus grand bonheur c’est de nous élever ensemble dans cette divine transcendance et notre ascension collective. Cela commence par toi… ton éveil, ton expansion, ta reconnexion.

Avec tout mon amour, Sophie Sun ✨

Si tu souhaites me contacter tu peux le faire ici :

Pour toute demande de collaboration & guest facilitation dans des évènements :
Je suis heureuse de partager cette fréquence partout dans le monde et encore plus heureuse de co-créer des espaces de magie avec de belles âmes. Si tu souhaites collaborer sur une retraite ou autre projet, je t’invite me contacter ici ♡

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